Saturday, March 30, 2013


Approximately 30 years ago, food manufacturers were competing against the American Homemaker for consumable dollars. Women, traditionally prepared food fed to the family and the food prepared came fresh and cheap!

Food scientists knew then that we have glutamate receptors on our tongues. Humans are driven to eat foods containing glutamates, even when we can't taste them. Glutamates can enhance taste or the sensation of taste, but it also causes a chemical reaction soon after the glutamate receptors are activated.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other glutamates (called free glutamates) can appear naturally in foods or may be included as additives by manufacturers in order, among other reasons, to increase the popularity of their products.

When glutamates are added to foods, they can release high levels of insulin, which cause changes in the metabolism. In a report written by Drs. N.A. Togiyama and A. Adachi and published in the medical journal Physiological Behavior, applying monosodium glutamate to the tongues of animals will release high levels of insulin within three minutes.

The hunger that follows such an insulin response could increase cravings, cause weight gain, and if repeated over tine, increase the likelihood of adult-onset diabetes.

Check you ingredient listing. Glutamates can go under a variety of names, including:

Anything enzyme modified

Anything fermented

Anything protein fortified

Anything ultra-pasteurized

Autolyzed yeast

Barley malt



Calcium caseinate


Flavoring Gelatin

Hydrolyzed oat flour

Hydrolyzed plant protein

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

Malt extract


Natural flavors (or natural flavoring)


Plant protein extract

Potassium glutamate

Sodium caseinate

Soy protein

Soy sauce


Textured protein

Whey protein

Yeast extract

Yeast food

Five Immutable Laws of Pari-Mutuel Investing

1) Superior information generates superior returns; the higher the quality of the information used to make decisions, the higher the quality of the decisions resulting from analysis of that information. "Information" is distinct from "data"; the vast majority of material used by pari-mutuel investors is raw data-masses of words, numbers, charts, and graphs-rather than information. Information is data that has been analyzed, processed, and converted into a form that a potential investor can use as the basis for decision-making.

2) The value of information is in direct proportion to the availability of that information; the higher the number of investors with access to the information, the less valuable that information becomes.

3) The competition in pari-mutuel investing is with other investors; that competition is only indirectly related to the pari-mutuel events. Most pari-mutuel investors believe they are trying to "outguess" the other investors regarding the outcome of specific pari-mutuel events. Nothing could be further from the truth; the outcome of individual pari-mutuel events is almost irrelevant from an investment perspective. It is the result over time that is significant.

4) The decision-making skills and pattern-recognition skills necessary for success in other business and investment activities are every bit as necessary for success in pari-mutuel investing. Professional bettors recognize this need and continually develop, fine tune, and train their decision-making and pattern-recognition skills.

5) The strongest advantage for serious pari-mutuel investors is the average racing fan's belief that the outcomes of races are either too complex for him or her to determine, or are unknowable. Both beliefs justify the view of wagering as primarily for entertainment, justify a near-total lack of cognitive effort to determine the probable outcomes, and justify losses as the cost of entertainment. Wagering is enjoyable, and winning is more enjoyable than losing; by focusing on wagering as a business enterprise, there will be many more opportunities to enjoy the process than if wagering is regarded solely as entertainment.

Your Home Office - Designed To Work For You

Several years ago I was working out of my home in an office I'd designed for myself. With plenty of space, oversized countertops, and specific places for each piece of office furniture and equipment I use (I'm highly computer-dependent), I was productive and efficient without sacrificing closeness to my family. In terms of design, space utilization, and ergonomics, I'd thought of everything. Then two things changed my work setting in fundamental ways; a two-year old and a four-year old who delighted in knowing that Daddy was home all day.

But that wasn't totally unexpected; I'd made provisions to increase the privacy of my office as the children grew. A little planning and a few rules about when the office was "off limits" kept the advantages of working at home intact.

Thirteen million Americans are currently running businesses out of their homes, according to the Kauffman Center For Entrepreneurial Leadership ( In all, forty-five million of us (35% of all U.S. households) work at least part-time out of home offices. Combine those figures with the Herman Miller Company's ( projected 10 to 12% annual growth in the home office furnishings market and it is obvious that sooner or later, many of us will have to consider how to integrate this relatively new function into our existing or new homes.

There aren't many hard and fast rules about home office design; our jobs and lives are unique and will influence each individual situation. But a few basic ideas apply almost universally, and will help to guide you towards making the best with your resources.

Locating The Home Office

Even a well-planned office space won't work if it's located poorly. If you see clients in your office frequently, and especially if you have small children at home, separate the office from the home spaces as much as possible. This might mean a completely independent office structure, or an existing room with an entrance designed for use by clients alone. If the office and home spaces are adjacent, proper sound insulation is a must.

Building a completely new office structure allows you the most design options, but forces the consideration of future use. Will you work at home forever? If not, what will become of that dedicated office? In my home, the old office is in "phase two" of its evolution, the kids' "playroom". In phase three it will be remodeled into a media room for the adults. Design your office to grow and change with you.

Remodeling an existing space into a home office requires you to look carefully at the use of adjacent spaces. Many clients will think it a faux pas if they hear the toilet flush upstairs during a meeting. Speaking of plumbing, will there be a nearby bathroom for client use? Will they have to wait for your son to get out of the shower to use it?

But perhaps you don't see clients at home. You may only need a quiet place to get in a few hours or work each day or you may find that the solitude of home is simply a better environment for what you do. This situation allows the office to be buried within one of the family areas of the house; a nook adjacent to the kitchen keeps you near the center of activity and able to supervise children; conversely, an alcove attached to the master bedroom can be very private and reduce the temptation for the children to interrupt. If you need privacy, find it by locating the most remote areas of your home.

Be realistic about the potential distractions of working at home. If you're a moth to the flame of the refrigerator, it's best that you make the path between office and kitchen as long as possible. My Achilles' heel was cable television; it was just too easy to leave The Golf Channel on all day long. I can't get away with that in a regular office.

Let Your Work Style Dictate The Design A few years back, I worked with a client to design a part-time home office for her small consulting business. The more time we spent discussing her work style (she worked almost exclusively with a telephone and a computer), the more we began to realize that all she needed at home was a quiet space to talk on the phone and to set up her laptop. In the end, the entire office consisted of a three-foot by six-foot desk nook tucked behind her kitchen - just enough space to type and talk, a few shelves, and two telephone lines.

If you work entirely at home, or if you bring home piles of paperwork from your main office, you'll need greater accommodations. Countertop area and storage space are always in demand - make sure you've got enough. A large executive desk looks great but you will get much more use from a wide expanse of countertop.

Rather than creating expensive built-ins, many of my clients opt for what I call a "paper pantry"; a large walk-in closet, full of open shelves for paperwork, files, and office supplies. A paper pantry saves money, keeps the mess hidden, and can be used as a clothes closet should the office ever be needed as a future bedroom.

Receiving clients at home requires a place to conduct meetings. A conference table might fit the bill but don't forget to consider how it will be used when clients aren't present. A well-placed conference table should double as additional workspace for you.

Finally, if your work requires frequent trips out of the office, find a place where you can sneak in and out without disturbing the others in your household.

Accommodating Office Equipment Almost every office requires a computer. It's the personal computer that made the whole work-at-home concept possible. But computers are still bulky assemblages of wires and peripherals that take up valuable countertop space. Add to that the copier, scanner, fax machine, and telephone and suddenly you've no room to work.

Just like a media center in a family room, cabinets and shelves can easily be designed to hold or conceal office machinery, and free up space to work. Many times I've expanded the "paper pantry" concept to include office machines. The components you use everyday (printer, copier) are best placed within reach of your desk, on shelves under countertops, or in low cabinets. The less frequently used pieces (scanner, fax) should occupy a more remote location. Other options worth considering include a laptop computer instead of a full-size machine, and an "all-in-one" machine combining fax, copier, scanner, and printer in one compact footprint.

Whichever setup you choose, make sure you've got plenty of electrical outlets and telephone jacks so that you've got the flexibility to fine-tune the arrangement of machines.

Managed Growth Home-based businesses usually fall into one of two categories: new businesses trying to grow, or satellites of existing office space. The future needs of a satellite office are few, since it's intended as just an extension of a larger office. But planning for a growing business requires some prognostication.

If you hope to move out into commercial space someday, don't overdo the home office. Plan for a little growth, but don't overbuild or overdesign a space that's destined for obsolescence. Instead, look ahead to how that space will be used when you've moved out of it.

If you want to grow your business and keep it at home, check local zoning codes and deed restrictions on your property before you make an expensive commitment. While most zoning codes allow limited home-based business, they often restrict the number of employees, on-site parking, and even the type of businesses permitted. Often these restrictions are related to the size of your property, but don't assume anything. A phone call to your local zoning official and a quick check of your deed may save you a lot of time and money.

Don't "Underdesign" It The temptation to think of a home office as strictly a place of function is strong. But if you really intend to use it, it is vital to create a pleasant work atmosphere. Access to views and natural light helps increase the ambiance and allows you to be more productive. A few well-placed personal items give you "ownership" of the office; comfortable seating and good function reduce stress.

Keep in mind how much time you're likely to spend there. You need to make the most of those hours so give yourself the same or better amenities than you'd expect from a well-designed outside office (you've already got the private parking space!). Surround yourself with an environment that supports your work and stimulates your creativity. Make it a place you look forward to going to. Properly done, a home office can be a comfortable, profitable, and liberating place to work.

Game Rating System Explained

If you are a video or computer game purchaser or user, you may or may not be familiar with the rating system for this type of software. Whether you are buying for yourself or someone else, it is important that you understand how the system works and how the actual game rating is determined. For those who have children in their home it is especially important for you to know what the letters (i.e. E, T, M, AO) mean before you bring a new game into your home. The rating system is a good tool to help anyone determine the appropriateness of the software.

In the past, entertainment software was pretty simplified with pixilated graphics and very basic sound capabilities, but in the last decade it has changed drastically. A game can be made very realistic. This is exciting for those who like to use the latest software and it can make the gaming experience much more enjoyable. But, in addition to the vastly improved technology, graphics and sound on the software, many game products are becoming increasingly more violent, and more "adult in their themes. The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) was established as an independent group to rate each game according to age appropriateness.

Each rating is determined by an independent panel of three reviewers who are not connected with the entertainment software industry. They look thoroughly at the product and using a "grading" sheet, mark what elements are contained in the game. Most of the time the panel agrees on a rating, but if not, more reviewers are sometimes used. Then the panel submits their findings to the ESRB who gives them to the manufacturer. Entertainment software companies do not have to use the ESRB, but virtually all of them do. The ESRB has also established the ARC (Advertising Review Council) which regulates "truth in advertising" for the ads and packaging of a game.

The ratings have two parts. When you purchase software, you will see a bold black letter in a white box on the front of the packaging. This is the symbol. The symbols run from eC (for Early Childhood) to AO (for Adults Only.) Ratings are based on the amount of violence, sexuality, drug use, gambling, and other material. On the back of the package you will find another box with a block letter in it. This is the content descriptor box. It will have details of what the content of the software is. This gives you further information to base your purchasing decisions on.

As a parent or guardian, it is your choice and responsibility to make the entertainment in your home appropriate.

World Almanac Book of Facts - Ultimate Reference For the Serious Thought Leader

Checking facts is essential and knowing that most of these facts are all in one place, one place you can trust is priceless. Whether you are a writer, professor or simply doing research, as a student you'll need a handy reference books of facts. This is what I have to back up what I write, and I'd recommend the same for anyone who is truly serious about getting their facts right the first time.

This is why I would advise that you get yourself an extremely easy to navigate and comprehensive current Almanac. The one I am currently using and would certainly recommend to you is:

"The World Almanac Book of Facts 2008" published by World Almanac Books, 2008.

When this Almanac says World, they mean World-Wide information, historical events, dates, times, places, people and sports data too. This book will tell you which nations have raw materials, how much and where they are located. Interested in industry, mining, agriculture, transportation, populations, ethnic and religious break downs, it's all there and more, more data than one person would ever need or care to know. It's like a mini-wiki-pedia in book form and it is so easy to navigate and flip through.

Over the years, I have built up my reference library and I've owned various almanacs by different companies, and this is the one I prefer. If you go and take a look at one in the book store, I am sure you will see why. Additionally, the information is fully up to date at the time of the printing, such as world leaders, boundary changes and current events. I'd recommend this almanac; The World Almanac to anybody.

New Sony PS3 Released In The UK

Sony have been losing money on their 60GB PS3 since it was introduced in the UK. Volume of sales has been lower than anticipated - with one significant factor being the high launch price. The pattern has been much the same in other countries worldwide.

The new 40GB PS3, released in the UK on October 10 2007, is the result of some significant cost cutting efforts on the part of Sony. A lot of the changes were made after discussion with PS3 users. Sony advises that it has made the changes after "feedback from thousands of existing PS3 owners as well as research into future potential PS3 owners."

Possibly one of the most controversial decisions was the lack of backward compatibility with both PS1 and PS2 games. However, Sony's research seems to suggest that this is not an important factor for new users. Presumably, anyone who has a lot of PS2 games also has a PS2 console on which to play them. The backwards compatibility with PS1 and PS2 games was one of the more expensive items to implement on the earlier PS3 version.

Here's a nice quotation form Ray Maguire, the MD of Sony Computer Entertainment UK:

"As we approach our first PlayStation Christmas, it is satisfying to be able to offer UK consumers the choice of two PlayStation 3 packages both now representing remarkable value"

And there's no doubt about it - it does look like a better deal for consumers. It seems like a very aggressive marketing strategy by Sony in the run up to Christmas.

It is worth noting that Sony intend that, in future, only the 40GB PS3 will be available in the UK. The price drop on the 60GB model is intended to boost their sales between now and Christmas and use up the existing stock. After the current stocks of 60GB PS3 consoles are depleted only the 40GB version will be available to the public.

Sony also admit that they have been losing money on the 60GB consoles sold to date and, more surprisingly perhaps, admit that this will continue, even on the reduced cost 40GB console. They will lose less money than before, but they will still lose.

Another factor which will help sales between now and Christmas is the increasing number of PS3 games becoming available.

Current game console market leader, Nintendo, advised that there were no plans to cut the price of the Nintendo Wii. According to George Harrison, senior vice president of Marketing for Nintendo America: "We are still selling everything we can make."

Microsoft's XBox 360 had a recent price cut in August of 2007. With the release of the latest offering in the hugely popular Halo series, imaginatively titled "Halo 3", which is currently only available for the XBox 360, a cut in the Xbox price seems unlikely in the near future.

Fire Safety - University and Colleges Sacrifice Students' Safety For Financial Reasons

Fire safety and prevention is always paramount, but facilities with buildings constructed over twenty years ago may not meet and satisfy current fire code regulations. Nowhere is this more important than with colleges and universities, many with buildings constructed more than one hundred years ago. Protecting the country's youth does not always take a front seat, but proves to be costly every year.

One main problem regarding latent and potential fire hazards on school campuses pertains to housing and dormitories. Many of these structures which were built more than thirty years ago were not designed with present fire codes in mind. Many of these facilities relied upon the use of asbestos to help combat the threat of fire. Due to the health risks which asbestos presents, asbestos materials have been removed and replaced by safer building materials. In doing so, it has increased the risk of death and extensive property damage. Open stairwells, the lack of fire barriers, and the lack of fire or smoke dampers are just a few more of the crippling aspects of older dormitories. On-campus fraternities and sororities often share similar weaknesses.

Another consideration of a serious problem, although it is much more specific, affects those individuals in wheelchairs. Universities and colleges have added elevators in many older buildings to maintain compliance with accessibility requirements. While this allows wheel chair access to all floors of a building, in the event of a fire elevators are deactivated. Obviously the outcome of a fire in one of these buildings is easily predictable without incorporating areas of rescue assistance for wheelchair access.

Fire alarm panels and control systems have come a long way from the basic siren or bell system with which most adults may remember from elementary school. Today in addition to the traditional fire alarm systems, modern fire alarms, control panels and security systems have evolved into highly complex addressable computer panels and communication centers. Costs can easily exceed well beyond $20,000 for a fire control system in a university dormitory setting. The major obstruction to updating or upgrading these aging buildings is the growing budgetary limitations. The cost to retrofit many of these buildings is prohibitive. Much of the monies delegated to construction and infrastructure is tied up with new buildings and facilities. Schools may qualify for federal funding for the purpose of retrofitting and upgrading those structures which currently do not meet the minimum fire codes.

New UAV Design Strategy Considered - Wing Structure As Fuel

Can we create an unmanned aerial vehicle which would convert its own wing structure into fuel for the flight? What if that fuel were a polymer solution which was a solid on takeoff, but then dissolved into a liquid once the flight operations began? And what about the remaining structure inside the wing?

The wing spars could be made of the same types of plastics that surgeons use to expand heart arteries during operations. We know these techniques work on metal, plastic, carbon fibers, resilient composite, rubber of all types even (stretch Armstrong). We pick the lightest material and go for it.

Nickel-titanium stints are also easily adaptable metal, and you would not need much. If you use nickel and poly fibers you could made a battery or find a suitable chemical reaction for fuel or propulsion or even poison gas on impact (forget I said that). How about a sleeping potion or a gas that puts the enemy into a hibernation state for a few hours or days?

The engine in the rear might be made out of a clay type substance encased in cellophane which, once lit from the rear, would provide the thrust like a small C-65 Estes rocket engine. Once the engine was burned out, it could fall to Earth in cinders with a whistle on it so it made an intimidating sound and another diversion; a dud, or perhaps a small charge.

By using such strategies, we could create single-mission non-return UAV swarms to overwhelm our enemies and prevail in victory over the battlespace. I hope you will please consider this, because it is my belief that winning still matters against the Talaban in Afghanistan. We are not going to win anyone's heart or mind on that side of the game.

Electional Astrology: The Science of Changing Outcomes (Part 1)

Part 1: Balancing the Houses of Life

Long before my interests in Astrology, I took up the habit of studying other people. I have always been able to detach myself from many intense or controversial situations and be amused somewhat by human behavior. As far back as I can remember I had a genuine interest in caring for other people and understanding what made them tick. As psychology is an accepted science in the world, I tried to match up disturbed behavior patterns in others with a psychological origin. I felt an overwhelming need, even as a child, to heal others by getting to the heart of a matter to take away their pain.

I have often heard many times the proclamation of, "Your life is based upon the decisions that you make." I agreed, yes, it must be true. Then I started to think on my own. Did every child with cancer coming into this world make the choice to suffer? I suppose many who believe we are somehow able to choose a suffering prior to this lifetime in order to further our spiritual goals while on Earth, would agree that perhaps those that suffer in this lifetime could be fulfilling their chosen or "karmic" paths. I am not adverse to this theory. Jesus himself suffered for a spiritual growth in this physical world that released so much power through physical sacrifice, that He opened the gates of hell and crossed into the protection of the Father, saving the world from death should they choose him as a gateway. In many of my own physical sufferings, I have found greater insight and have been able to help others with a greater compassion.

As I got older, I wondered on. What of the things we could change? I always trusted my gut instinct to guide me. You know, the spiritual peacefulness that you feel inside when all things are right or the overwhelming aching if things are wrong; the sixth sense as some would call it. However, when you are short on certain life experiences, hind sight is often twenty-twenty. I would learn later in life that it is possible for "gut instincts" to become distorted over-sensitized reactions due to trauma in the chart that throws life completely out of balance. Restoring balance to the chart that has been under trauma, is a must in order for our inner compasses to work properly.

In my mid twenties, when I first truly began studying Astrology, I was amazed at the understanding of house placements, and how the simplicity of understanding the significance of a transiting planet to an astrological house (or subject area) could provide so much guidance in my life. I began to watch the transits of the people closest to me; family and friends. I wondered at how even though some endured similar transits to the same house, each had the subjects manifest in a different way. For example, why did some who had Neptune ( planet of spirituality, illusion and escapism) in the 1st house (self, role in relationships) enjoy a great spiritual awakening, or found Jesus, while others found heroin? While I knew that Neptune was an influence in which spiritualism and escapism both abound, how odd that an influential transit that could bring increased spiritual growth especially in the first house of self which could benefit the individual a great deal in fulfilling their spiritual purpose, could also turn someone into a drug addict? I mean, Jesus and drug addicts side by side felt under the same influence? I further observed those with transits to their relationship sectors behave differently as well. I watched how their own free will would make some stay through a difficult situation of abuse, yet others victimized themselves so much in mild situations of misunderstanding with their partners that they decided to end the relationship. I saw some make great decisions. A friend of mine, was very good at being strong within her relationships and had a gentle stern way of never letting anything get out of hand. She seemed to understand the reasoning of give and take within the relationship. She also understood when it was time to leave the relationship.

It didn't take me long to realize ( and I would learn later as I studied Electional Astrology more in depth) that the reason some made the best decisions they could make in difficult times vs. those who became overly overwhelmed and made less than great decisions, fell in the opposite side of the axis in the zodiac. Those who had become escapist in one way or another with Neptune in the first, were severely lacking the skills found to relate to others as reflected in the house of relationships across the zodiac. Often their parents had provided little support, and their relationships with their partners fell into the same pattern of abuse. Wherever I found the opposite house weighed down with Chaos, I found the bad decision made in the opposite sign and house subject area. There are so many ways that this scenario of imbalance in the chart plays out in our lives: home vs. career, lack of education affecting communication, destructive emotions causing health problems, confinement or jail time affecting daily routines, sedentary lifestyle vs. work and health, children vs. our social lives...the list could go on. Of course, when we look to the planet or planets making aspects to the houses of our charts, we see how these situations are manifesting because of the imbalance or the type of lesson we must face to bring the houses back into balance.

I am not discrediting the importance of the transiting planets relationship to our natal planets. After all, in Astrology, there are many ways to put a magnifying glass to detail. Humor me for a moment, while I show an example metaphorically with numbers. Suppose you need to serve four place settings for dinner at a traditional dinner table that seats eight. You do know that others may join the group, but you are only certain of the four places needed. There are different ways in which you could divide the number four. You could sit three on one side of the table, and one on the other. You could arrange two on one side, one at the head and one at the other. You realize all of the possibilities, but in order for the conversation to flow smoothly, you find the simplest way is just to seat two on each side. That way if any guest are to join, the foundation for a successful conversation over dinner is already in place. In Astrology, there are many possibilities, but without the recognition of maintaining balance, we cannot begin to understand how to achieve the best outcomes.

I do realize that there are many other transits affecting the natal chart that add criteria to situations that both minimize and maximize the importance of details in certain situations and will discuss their weight in the houses in the next article. However, the beauty is this: If we use the house system as a guide to develop balance before heavy hitting planets and angles come forward in the future, I do believe that we are better able to evolve spiritually and emotionally in our time here. Depending on the severity of the transit, we may even save lives by balancing the areas of our charts in advance, so that we not only make better decisions for ourselves, but also for others.

How do we begin to find that balance? Look to the houses of astrological wheel which describe various subjects in our lives. Then look at the house on the opposite side and ask yourself if you find a balance in your priorities and actions of the two.

Below is a list of each house paired with it's opposite house that creates an axis on the zodiac wheel:

House 1: Relationship to self, self needs and wants, self discovery and growth. House 7: Long term relationships with others such as parents and both marriage and business partnerships

House 2: Personal resources such as money and self-worth. Anything of value that you own. House 8: Joint resources with others such as property and real-estate, joint income. Also covers monies that involve others such as taxes, debt, child-support payments. Sex and intimacy are covered here as well as great change such as death.

House 3: All communication to include speech, writing, technology, learning, etc. Short term trips and involvement within one's community is denoted here. House 9: Considered an avenue to higher consciousness, this house covers education of academic and spiritual values, legal issues, and long distance travel.

House 4: This house is said to promote balance in all other houses. It contains our home and families. Our familial values reside here, as well as the ability to stay grounded in one's own value system. It is believed that if this house is out of balance, then all other houses will remain unbalanced, until the issues are resolved here. House 10: This house contains society's view of you, your career and status in life. It provides your personal reputation based on these experiences.

House 5: Your inner child is housed here along with your creativity, your own children, and romantic opportunities. This is the house of fun and games to include gambling and chance opportunities. House 11: Your hopes and dreams are contained here as well as the groups of people you are in contact with in life. These could be groups of friends or acquaintances. Parties, networking and contacts in areas that cover a broad spectrum of people are housed here.

House 6: Probably one of the most important houses in the zodiac. This house covers your physical health, the work of your hands, and service to others. It contains the business of day-to-day life such as your job ( not career, but the actual activities on the job) and running errands. Anything you do that keeps you physically busy falls to this house. House 12: This is the house of secrets and behind the scenes activities. Hospitalization and confinement, as well as imprisonment fall in this area. The deepest psychological processes are housed here as well as the dark side of our deepest fears. At the same time, this house represents a deeper spiritual understanding, perhaps because it covers the quietness and aloneness of deep psychological meditation and contemplation of the choices we have made in life. Patterns of self-undoing and depression are found here as well as hidden illnesses, and disease of the body and emotions.

After a careful examination of which house on it's axis is stronger or weaker, take into consideration the actions that you could initiate to even out the activities in both houses. For example, if you find that you are spending too much time with your 10th house of career, find a way to add more activities towards your family life, or simply re-visit the needs of your family members. I am confident that once you identify any areas of unbalance, that even in the harshest of life situations that you face, you will have the strength of a solid foundation to provide more additional resources than ever before.

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